Wednesday, January 27, 2010

.......on beginning another new year.

I love throwing away the Christmas tree. It almost always necessitates a good clean up and rearrangement of the living room...... which in turn leads to a spring clean of the studio
...... and here down under, it is still summer holidays and time to go away. Anywhere.
This year for the first time, we went away alone. Well with each other.
The last kid is 15 and chose to stay home with older siblings.
Aaahhhh. Who am I to argue?

We drove along the south east coast of Victoria...

I did a few Andy Goldsworthy impersonations...

...enjoyed the solitude...

...photographed hundreds of rock lines....

I even got out the sketch pad a few times and tore some bits of paper....

even did a bit of crochet....

but now, its back to work and routine and family. Not so bad, that.

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